Blog free online courses Learnership and Internship ONLINE COURSES



Grade 12 wth Candidate Physical Abilty Test (CPAT)
Medical Test NFPA 1582
Code C1 driver’s icense


None, but must be between the periods of 18- 35
Conditions Proficiency n at east two( 2) of the officia languages of the Western Cape( Afrkaans/ English/ sXhosa – Speak,
Read and Write)
∙ needed to work shifts and overtime as and when needed
∙ needed to work at any fire station, fire service
installation or section wthin the area of jurisdction as determined by the Chef Fire Officer
∙ No crimnal record( Police concurrence
document not aged than three( 3) months must accompany your operation)
∙ Must be physicaly ft and suitable bodied to operate under extreme conditions and temperatures ncumbent must pass a Departmental Physcal Test upon entry and annualy later

∙ Contestant must pass a medcal test pre- pacement/ Post offer/ birth( in servce conducted annualy orbi-annually
including a test for the use of banned substances Must have no internal phobias related to caustrophobia( confned spaces,
acrophoba( heights) bathphobia( depths), aquaphoba( water), homophobia( bood), achuophobia( darkness) authophobia
( isoation) and necrophobia( corses )

∙ Must be physicay and mentaly fit
Job PurposePerforms a variety of tasks associated with responding to and dealng wth firefghting, exigency deliverance services, rendering basc medcal care, fire forestallment and training conditioning, operatng and mantaining fire outfit and outfit, maintaining fire station facites and reated work as needed under applicable supervson in order to cover lives and property of the citizens of the megacity n agreement wth the Fire Brigade Services Act( Act 99 of 1987)

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Crucial Performance Areas

Once trainng and mnimum qualificaton have been acheved, carryout firefighting conditioning and exigency operatons under guidance, mentorship and supervision of senors and officers in- charge in order to minimize the threat to life and property as wel as ves and property of the communities of the cosmopolises
Preparng for exigency incidents and
protecton duties under guidance, mentorship and supervision of senors and officers- n- charge in order to educate the publc and maintain a high standard of safety and functional effciency at exigency ncidents as we as reducing the incidents and inflexibility of fres, furnishing a safer terrain for frefighters and communities Preparing for emergencyincidents under guidance, mentorshp and supervision of seniors and officers in- charge to insure that equpment and vehcles are safe, avalable and in sound working order for functional effcency at exigency ncidents as we as maintain a safe and hygienc working envronment

Performs basc administratve functions under gudance, mentorship and supervson of seniors and offcers in- charge to insure that applicable records where applicable are maintaned

Crucial Performance Areas

Once trainng and mnimum qualificaton have been acheved, carryout firefighting conditioning and exigency operatons under guidance, mentorship and supervision of senors and officers in- charge in order to minimize the threat to life and property as wel as ves and property of the communities of the cosmopolises
Preparng for exigency incidents and
protecton duties under guidance, mentorship and supervision of senors and officers- n- charge in order to educate the publc and maintain a high standard of safety and functional effciency at exigency ncidents as we as reducing the incidents and inflexibility of fres, furnishing a safer terrain for frefighters and communities Preparing for emergencyincidents under guidance, mentorshp and supervision of seniors and officers in- charge to insure that equpment and vehcles are safe, avalable and in sound working order for functional effcency at exigency ncidents as we as maintain a safe and hygienc working envronment

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Performs basc administratve functions under gudance, mentorship and supervson of seniors and offcers in- charge to insure that applicable records where applicable are maintaned

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